Our Authors

Drei Frauen trinken Tee zusammen

The Secret of Gift-Giving: Why Gifts Bring Joy

The act of gift-giving is a phenomenon where both givers and receivers experience immense joy.
Unsere Autorin Sarah
Sarah Schedler


Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba Mate tea is a naturally caffeinated infusion made from the leaves of the mate tree, Ilex paraguariensis, which belongs to the holly family. It is a central part of South American culture and ...
Unsere Autorin Victoria
Victoria Backhaus


Am Tag des Tees feiern wir unsere Partner:innen auf der ganzen Welt
Inside PAPER & TEA

On International Tea Day, we celebrate our partners around the world

Tea is a bridge that connects people of different cultures and traditions. On International Tea Day, we therefore celebrate not only the enjoyment of the drink but also the centuries-old ...
Unsere Autorin Ilayda
Ilayda Aydin


Glas mit Tee

Attention, Mindfulness: is it all hype or is there something to it?

Mindfulness is often hailed as a miracle cure - but what's really behind it?
Unsere Autorin Caroline
Caroline Tyka


Flasche mit Öl und Blütenblättern

Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained through distillation or cold pressing. They contain the characteristic aromas and fragrances of the respective plant and are used in a...
Unsere Autorin Aysegül
Aysegül Öztekin


Tag des Tees - Unsere Teephilosophie
Inside PAPER & TEA

Day of the tea - Our tea philosophy

Join us in celebrating Tea Day and peek behind the scenes of our tea philosophy!
Unsere Autorin Tamara
Tamara Weber


Jean-Philippe Aiguier im Gespräch
Inside PAPER & TEA

How to take responsibility, build trust and make a change

Jean-Philippe Aiguier on Sustainability at PAPER & TEA
Unsere Autorin Jana
Jana Schwerdtfeger
